A patented disruptive barcode technology that stores your biometric securely encrypted in it. The code can be printed on paper (ticket, boarding pass, invitations) or card (identity card) or displayed on a laptops, phones or tablets.
The codes can be scanned using our app on mobile phones, which then compares the biometrics stored in the BioCode™ to your live fingerprints and face to give a score for certainty. Data stored in the code is encrypted using PKI. This technology ensures that the issuer can be verified and the person carrying the code can also be securely verified. InterBio provides the BioCode™ scanning app and the BioCode™ generation software.
- Bigger storage than QR code
- Triple security protection to ensure your data safe
- Available in offline verification

Document holder hands over the Document for verification. The verifier scans the Document using the specific mobile application.

After the code is scanned, the verifier takes a photo of face or fingerprints of the Document holder standing in front of him.

The encrypted information will reveal after successful verification

The biometrics template stored in the code at the time of registration and the live capture during verification are then compared using InterBio Technology.